1 min read

The offshore wind industry has been revolutionised over the last decade, and Offshore Wind Europe has been there for it all. 2018 has continued this trend, thrusting the industry into a new era.

With the continuation of zero subsidy bids in Germany and the Netherlands; turbine sizes pushing beyond the 12MW threshold, floating wind ramping up towards commercialisation, and the expansion of offshore wind to new shores. There has never been a more interesting yet obscure time in the offshore wind industry.

As it stands 16GW of operating European offshore wind were installed by the end of 2017 and an estimated 230GW will need to be installed to reach the targets established at the Paris Agreement. In light of this, Offshore Wind Europe is bringing together the leading project owners, innovative developers and ambitious operators under one roof to discuss how this pipeline will be developed and operated at its full potential.

Europe’s only industry-defining meeting returns in 2018 with more case studies, key notes and networking opportunities. Over 500+ senior executives will delve into how a potential merchant market, new global frontiers and cutting-edge technology will spearhead offshore wind into becoming the backbone to the future global energy supply.

At Offshore Wind Europe, you will learn what this means for you and your business, no matter what walk of the offshore wind value chain. This means you will take away a comprehensive understanding of how to position yourself in this rapidly evolving market; insulating yourself from risk and maximising your revenue stream.

Want to know more about America’s #1 Conference and Exhibition for the offshore wind power industry? Download our Official Brochure Here.