Top 10 Ways to Live More Sustainably & Save Our Planet

published Aug 08, 2019
3 min read

Sustainable Living

A vast majority of folks across the globe have expressed interest in discerning more about humanity’s impact on the planet, and techniques they can implement to reduce their carbon footprint. A cross-demographical study spearheaded by Southern Cross University in the US and Australia confirmed many consumers sought lifestyles to live more sustainably.

You too can heed climate change warnings and tackle environmental challenges head-on. Before we start, thanks for taking the first step by reading our article to learn more about sustainable lifestyles.

Join a growing community of earthlings taking steps to go green; they recycle, use reusable bags and ditch one-off-expenditure plastics. This article knits together progressive ways of sustainability to protect nature.

Hire Local Eco-Friendly Companies

Indifference by politicians and corporates across the globe is the greatest challenge we face in the race to save our planet. Many in the US and Europe have been pushing for governments along with corporations to act. In the UK, company law imposes a duty on directors to consider how a corporate body impacts the environment.

Consumers should always seek local eco-friendly companies for services such as removals, car wash, and gardening. In some big cities like London, you can find, for example,, a well-known house removal company known for its responsible activities and a broad spectrum of eco-friendly practices.

Right now sustainable companies have emerged in big cities. We expect many businesses to blaze the trail in promoting sustainability all over the UK and yonder.

Conscientious Buying

Do you have a heap of trash bags choke-full with plastic junk on the street at your gate every week? Then you need to eliminate plastic shopping bags, pack children’s lunch with recycled glass jars; make homemade detergent using curd soap, water and soap.

Do whatever it takes to discard plastic packaging. Don’t buy plastic-wrapped foods or orange juice offered in Tetrapak packaging. Consider toothbrushes made of bamboo or bring your own Tupperware to steer clear of plastic wrappings.

Buy Big, but Eco-Friendly

Buy a bike, use your car less and donate money to offset your CO2 emissions for a clean slate. Although the market of electric cars remains untapped, you may want to invest in fuel-efficient models. E-mobility remains impractical due to lack of a network of charging stations.

In addition, e-cars remain out of reach for buyers below the high-priced niche. For household machines like refrigerators, washer and dryer, look for an Energy Star marker to acquire the most efficient.

Abstain from Illegal Wildlife Parts or Products

Anywhere you look in the world, illegal wildlife threatens to wipe off the remnants of endangered species. Ethical consumers not only boycott endangered species but also flora and fauna at the behest of corporate profits. Besides, some products threaten endangered by destroying their habitat like old-growth vegetation and depleting water that littoral species need to thrive.

To avoid diminishing biodiversity, buy conscientiously and get products crafted from sustainable materials such as a toothbrush from bamboo. Choose businesses, countries and organisations that don’t exacerbate human-driven extinction.

Cut Down Energy Consumption

Quitting fossil fuels goes a long way to slow down climate change, as well as protect ecosystems and species. Use energy-efficient appliances, programmable thermostat, open windows to promote air circulation rather than an air conditioner, and hang clothes to dry without a dryer.

Go for an electric teakettle and ditch the stove top to boil water. Change tack from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs). Some states allow you to cherry-pick an electric supplier partially powered by wind, solar and pristine sources.

Tail off Extinction

The thirst for flesh sustains the nemesis of environmental degradation with naive creatures as victims in a lab run by callous dictators. Meat processing gobbles up tons of water, unleashes pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions and population imbalances. Reducing the amount of meat you devour means less carbon footprint.

Also, almost 40% of edible food in the US goes down the chute dissipating all the natural factors of production used to bring home the bacon. Steer clear of food wastage with conscious, well-thought-out shopping and innovative ways to eat what you buy.

Water is Life

Ditch the bottled water. One study demonstrated bottled water lurks with the toxins you purport to avoid. Appreciate the free city water and don’t fall prey to aggressive brands that tarnish the turquoise pools that nature gives us.

The harvest of water and production of mass plastic bottles destroys communities along with wildlife. Water conservation has a knock-on effect due to increasing populations and severe droughts.

Conserve water with more brief showers, fixing water infrastructure, and investing in low-pressure water appliances. Xeriscaping a yard with native, drought-exposed plants that sop up less water, require minimal aftercare and carves a niche for birds or pollinators enhances interdependence with nature.

Buyer be Ware

In the wake of environmental concerns, all lines of businesses now seek production, raw materials, and technologies that minimise their carbon footprint. From the fashion industry, tourism to coffee, companies are digging deeper into their bag of tricks to showcase sustainability.

Endorse Fair Trade certified products when possible to prop up corporations lobbying for sustainability and fair remuneration for employees. Sink more cash into organic food to purge harmful pesticides from terrestrial or water systems to shield farm workers, nature and your family.

Conserve with Disposables

Pre-millennial generations had no luxury of single-use commodities like razors, spoons, plates, and food storage containers that monstrously choke landfills. Today, plastic clones of almost any product dominate stores.

Environmental health issues plaguing modern societies emerge from toxins discharged into the surroundings by junk. Even trash disposed along the landfill stream requires meticulous procedures and infrastructure to ensure that toxins don’t seep into the surroundings.

Resell or Donate Items

Give a kiss of life to items you no longer need with resale or donation. Scientists have argued that all elements in the periodic table were synthesised deep inside stars before the birth of our solar system. These stars injected these materials into the universe in the aftermath of their supernovae. This provided raw materials for the formation of other stars and planets. Simply put-nature does not waste.

By passing on items, you discard disposables or cheaply manufactured single-use items that accumulate in landfills. Resell apparels and children’s items to a secondhand or shipment resale organisation that will dish them out to the needy.