Less Than 3 Weeks Left For Wind Conference in Germany

published Feb 09, 2015
1 min read

4th International Conference – Advances in Rotor Blades for Wind Turbines


The event will take place in Bremen, Germany between February 24th-26th.

Wind energy has become increasingly popular in the past 5 years, hitting records in many countries like Denmark that made huge investments in this renewable source of energy. This event will provide anyone interested in this industry with updated information and key networking opportunities. The conference is co-chaired by Alessio D’Alesio, head of V126 blade development for Vestas Blades UK and Paul Hayden, CTO of Blade Dynamics in the UK.

During the conference, leading OEMs and design/engineering firms will discuss next generation manufacturing, bonding, modular connections, aerodynamic add-ons, re-blading and more. The event is produced by IQPC (Berlin, Germany) and features leading wind blade and turbine OEMs, design firms and research institutes presenting the latest developments for more efficient blade manufacturing, improved blade performance, design of ever longer blades and ultimately, lowered cost of energy.

The conference theme — Efficient ways to optimize the cost of energy throughout the blade lifetime — focuses on rotor blades as a decisive factor in the race for lower cost of energy and offers focused knowledge exchange, interactive panel sessions and networking. Check this list of sub themes that will be covered during the conference:

  • Development of alternative materials, composites and new material mixes to decrease weight and costs.
  • Increasingly larger blades and related challenges for design and production;
  • Efficient ways to optimize structural design and aerodynamics to increase blade performance;
  • Operators’ view on blade damage and discussion of related challenges for design, materials and reliability;
  • Tools and processes to exploit the potential for improving and streamlining blade production.

In addition, attendants will be privileged to participate on the following presentations:

  • Lifecycle considerations of XL rotorblades — Areva (UK)
  • NR65.5: Challenges in design, production and logistics of a very large onshore rotor blade — Nordex Energy (Germany)
  • Building Block Approach on Gamesa XL Blades Validation — Gamesa Windpower, (Spain)
  • High performance blade connection solutions — WINDnovation Engineering Solutions (Germany)
  • Optimisation of material systems for rotor blades — EUROS (Germany)
  • Super toughened adhesives for next generation blade bonding — Sika Services (Switzerland)
  • Advanced monitoring in blade manfuacturing process — Pontis Engineering (The Netherlands)
  • Winning from re-blading — ETA Blades (Italy)

If you think that this event will be enriching for you and your business and would like to have more information about it, you can visit their site and download the full program agenda.